Nanoelectronics Lab

Associated Faculty & Staff

Dr. Swapnil Bhuktare
Dr. Vijaya Kumar Gurugubelli
Mr. Pujari Dinesh Khanna

Location: Room No: 335, 3rd Floor, Academic Building-1.

About the Lab:

The Nano Electronics Lab was established in the year of 2023. The lab primarily caters to the needs of undergraduate, master and doctoral students in the broad area of Nanoelectronics and Semiconductor Devices.


The key equipment and Software tools in this lab are:

1.  Nanovoltmeter

2. ◘ Synopsys QuantumATK - Materials and Device Simulation (with NEGF) -
    ◘ Standard Academic Bundle
    ◘ 5 Licenses of QuantumATK (DFT/Semi-emperical) + NEGF
    ◘ 5 Licenses of ATK Master Forcefield (Classical)
    ◘ 2 Licenses of VNL (GUI)
    ◘ 2 Licenses of VNL Links (VASP Interface)
    ◘ 256 MPICH Slaves for faster simulation
    ◘ Floating License, All licenses on single cluster

3. AsiaPac Advanced TCAD University Bundle 3 Years TSL Network
    ◘ Floating License Number of Licenses : 5 (FIVE)

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